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Nagambal Shah

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  • Spelman College
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Applied Statistics,


Nagambal Shah is currently professor Emerita of the Spelman College Mathematics Department where she has served for more than forty years. She received her Bachelors degree in Mathematics and Masters in Statistics from India and M.S. and Ph.D. from University of Windsor in Ontario Canada. Several of her students have gone to graduate school and received Ph.D. in Statistics/Biostatistics from institutions like MIT, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Maryland, U.C. Berkeley, University of Alabama-Birmingham, Rice University, NC State University and SUNY. In 2001 she coordinated and hosted at Spelman College the first StatFest, a one day conference aimed at encouraging undergraduate Minority students to pursue careers and graduate studies in statistical sciences; StatFest continues to be a major activity of the ASAs Committee on Minorities in Statistics. In 2005 she spearheaded the efforts to host and obtain funding for the first Infinite Possibilities Conference. She is an advocate for diversity in graduate education, especially for minorities and women and received the 2001 Martin Luther King Jr. Community service Award for Excellence in Education and Diversity from Emory University. In 2003 she was selected as a SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) faculty by AAC&U for her course CHANCE which was selected as one of four featured SENCER Models. She is the 2005 recipient of Spelman College Presidential Award for College Service, the 2006 Vulcan Materials Co. Teaching Excellence Award and 2014 True Blue Award. She is a Fellow of ASA, was a member of the Leadership Support Council and vice chair of the awards committee of ASA (2010-2012) and has also served as the past chair of ASAs Committee on Minorities in Statistics.